1. WELCOME TO AMAS TRAINING – The Gurukul Of SSB & Personality Development during this 3- week offline class. We at AMAS will guide you through the various aspects of your SSB preparation so that at the time of testing you are thoroughly equipped to face any question or challenge that you may come across.
2. The 3 week offline SSB course will commence on 10 MAR 2025 from 08:30hr at AMAS TRAINING INSTITUTE, 39 B Knowledge Park 1, Greater Noida.
3. Dress & Turnout code for classes: - All of you are expected to be (formally) dressed for the classes..
(a) Your hair must be neatly cut and trimmed.
(b) Sikh men must wear proper turban neatly.
(c) Wear formal dress (full sleeves shirt and pant) , Full length socks, formal shoes for boys and girls for classroom sessions. Carry one track suit (Full) and one white collared T-shirt (Full Sleeves ,White color) and a pair of sneakers( to be worn on the GTO ground activity day only). Informal tracksuits will not be permitted in class. One tie should be carried along , to be worn during the interview.
4. Stationary :- Please get the following stationary items -
a ) Two A4 size hardbound registers(300 pages for classwork & 200 pages 1 for homework]
b) 2-3 Pens(Blue & Black ) & 2 highlighter pens(Yellow & Orange)
c) Blank physical & political map- India and the world maps(2 each),
d) sticky flags ,page markers, 12 inch scale,
e) one pencil, eraser, stapler, & stapler pins
f) Permanent marker pens.
g) Fevistick
5. Discipline :-
(a) We expect you to behave in an officer like manner. Well groomed, polite and disciplined. Show good respect for nation and respect for woman. I am sure you all will show exemplary behavior in the class.
(b) Politeness in behavior is our forte.
(c) Put your chest number and name as your Identity in the class.
(d) Mobile phones will not be permitted during classes.
6. Punctuality :- We expect you to be punctual and reach the Institute on time for the class. On arrival day reaching time is 7:45am. On other days all must reach by 8.25am. No entry after 8.30am.
7. Timing:-
(a) Classes will be there till 04:30pm daily . Reporting time everyday day is 8:30am. Lunch break will of 20 min duration. Those staying in PG will get the lunch at the institute. Those coming from home must carry lunchbox.
8. PG Charges: - If you are staying in SHIV SHAKTI PG the charges will be Rs 8,700/- (this includes 3 times meals and pick and drop to the institutes ) for three weeks. PG Fees will be directly paid to the PG owner.. All candidates who wish to stay in PG are requested to speak to the PG manager and book your seat in PG in advance.
(* travel to Delhi/ other parts of NCR takes 60-70 min one way due to traffic. Hence not recommended for daily travel).
9. Fees :- Total tuition Fee for 3 weeks Offline course – Rs 30,000/- (excluding the PG charge).
*Amount is to be deposited in Canara Bank (Current Account No 94511010000597, IFSC code CNRB0019451), Name of Account- AMAS Training Pvt. Ltd. Fees can also be paid in cash on arrival. Cheques will not be accepted.
No Installments permitted. Fees once deposited will not be refunded .
10. The Orientation Session will be take place on 7 MAR 2025 from 13:00hr to 14:30hr (tentative time) on ZOOM . All the students, who have registered must join the orientation session which will include:-
a) Basic instructions of Offline class by Manager.
b) Introductions by the Sr. Coordinator.
c) Opening Address by Director AMAS.
11. Candidates are requested to carry the following documents and items on the arrival day at AMAS Training Institute :-
(a) Documents (all are mandatory ) -
i) Adhaar card Photocopy (Self attested)
ii) Three passport size photographs.
iii) Duly signed “Risk Certificate ” from parents .
(b) Mosquito repellent .
(c) Coffee Mug for refreshment (mandatory)